
LESSON 1 議論 (1)



初回レッスンではTypeA、翌日以降の復習1〜3回目ではType B、復習4〜8回目ではTypeCを使ってみましょう。

初回 - TypeA音声約16分




【off the top of one's head 単なる思いつきだが、確かな事は言えないが、全くの当て推量だが】

1. Off the top of my head, I’d say Jessica is the best person for the job.

2. Keep in mind these are just estimates off the top of my head.

【in my book 私の意見では、私の信条から言えば】
<参考> 自分の信条や意見をリストにした本を持っていると仮定しているイメージ。

1. In my book, using the "F-word" at work is not acceptable.

■ the "F-word"  fuck に代表されるような様々な汚い言葉。

2. Was that an ethical thing to do? Well, not in my book.

【That said... とは言っても】
<補足>文頭で使われる。Having said that...も同様。

1. The new guy's work has been pretty good. That said, I still think there's room for improvement.

2. The economy is still struggling. That said, the unemployment dropped significantly last month.

【in a nutshell つまり、要するに、簡単に言えば】
<参考>nutshell = ナッツの殻、ごく小さなものや容器

1. In a nutshell, the operating costs are going to have to come way down.

2. There's a lot to go over, but in a nutshell, I think we’re gonna [going to] have to find new investors.

【to make a long story short; long story short かいつまんで言うと、手短に言えば】

1. I quit my job as a lawyer, went back to school for accounting, and long story short, here I am!

2. To make a long story short, I’m being transferred to Bangkok.

復習1〜3回目 - TypeB音声約15分




【off the top of one's head 単なる思いつきだが、確かな事は言えないが、全くの当て推量だが】

1. Off the top of my head, I’d say Jessica is the best person for the job.

2. Keep in mind these are just estimates off the top of my head.

【in my book 私の意見では、私の信条から言えば】
<参考> 自分の信条や意見をリストにした本を持っていると仮定しているイメージ。

1. In my book, using the "F-word" at work is not acceptable.

■ the "F-word"  fuck に代表されるような様々な汚い言葉。

2. Was that an ethical thing to do? Well, not in my book.

【That said... とは言っても】
<補足>文頭で使われる。Having said that...も同様。

1. The new guy's work has been pretty good. That said, I still think there's room for improvement.

2. The economy is still struggling. That said, the unemployment dropped significantly last month.

【in a nutshell つまり、要するに、簡単に言えば】
<参考>nutshell = ナッツの殻、ごく小さなものや容器

1. In a nutshell, the operating costs are going to have to come way down.

2. There's a lot to go over, but in a nutshell, I think we’re gonna [going to] have to find new investors.

【to make a long story short; long story short かいつまんで言うと、手短に言えば】

1. I quit my job as a lawyer, went back to school for accounting, and long story short, here I am!

2. To make a long story short, I’m being transferred to Bangkok.

復習4〜8回目 - TypeC音声約15分




【off the top of one's head 単なる思いつきだが、確かな事は言えないが、全くの当て推量だが】

1. Off the top of my head, I’d say Jessica is the best person for the job.

2. Keep in mind these are just estimates off the top of my head.

【in my book 私の意見では、私の信条から言えば】
<参考> 自分の信条や意見をリストにした本を持っていると仮定しているイメージ。

1. In my book, using the "F-word" at work is not acceptable.

■ the "F-word"  fuck に代表されるような様々な汚い言葉。

2. Was that an ethical thing to do? Well, not in my book.

【That said... とは言っても】
<補足>文頭で使われる。Having said that...も同様。

1. The new guy's work has been pretty good. That said, I still think there's room for improvement.

2. The economy is still struggling. That said, the unemployment dropped significantly last month.

【in a nutshell つまり、要するに、簡単に言えば】
<参考>nutshell = ナッツの殻、ごく小さなものや容器

1. In a nutshell, the operating costs are going to have to come way down.

2. There's a lot to go over, but in a nutshell, I think we’re gonna [going to] have to find new investors.

【to make a long story short; long story short かいつまんで言うと、手短に言えば】

1. I quit my job as a lawyer, went back to school for accounting, and long story short, here I am!

2. To make a long story short, I’m being transferred to Bangkok.
