
LESSON 26 状況分析 (2)

LESSON 26 状況分析 (2)

初回 - TypeA音声約17分




【take stock of 吟味する、評価する;棚卸しする;(資産を)見積もる】

1. Let's take stock of the situation before we decide what the best course of action is.

■ course of action 行動方針やプラン、行動や対応のステップ

2. I think it's time that I really took stock of my career goals. I feel directionless right now.

【big picture; bigger picture 大局、全体像​】

1. Before working on the details, let's take a step back and look at the big picture.

2. Seeing the bigger picture is an essential leadership quality.

【status quo 現状】

1. Our upper management is very conservative. They'd rather maintain the status quo than take a risk with a new way of doing things.

2. When you're comfortable being on autopilot, it's very hard to break the status quo.

【in the same boat 同じ境遇や苦境にある】

1. Sales were bad this quarter, but when we look at our competitors it seems like everyone’s in the same boat.

2. The only consolation our laid-off workers had was that everyone was in the same boat.

【stand to gain ⇔ stand to lose 儲かる立場・手に入れる立場にいる⇔損をする立場・失う立場にいる】

1. We stand to gain an advantage over our competitors if the new law is introduced.

2. We stand to lose a lot of money if this deal falls through.

復習1〜3回目 - TypeB音声約15分




【take stock of 吟味する、評価する;棚卸しする;(資産を)見積もる】

1. Let's take stock of the situation before we decide what the best course of action is.

■ course of action 行動方針やプラン、行動や対応のステップ

2. I think it's time that I really took stock of my career goals. I feel directionless right now.

【big picture; bigger picture 大局、全体像​】

1. Before working on the details, let's take a step back and look at the big picture.

2. Seeing the bigger picture is an essential leadership quality.

【status quo 現状】

1. Our upper management is very conservative. They'd rather maintain the status quo than take a risk with a new way of doing things.

2. When you're comfortable being on autopilot, it's very hard to break the status quo.

【in the same boat 同じ境遇や苦境にある】

1. Sales were bad this quarter, but when we look at our competitors it seems like everyone’s in the same boat.

2. The only consolation our laid-off workers had was that everyone was in the same boat.

【stand to gain ⇔ stand to lose 儲かる立場・手に入れる立場にいる⇔損をする立場・失う立場にいる】

1. We stand to gain an advantage over our competitors if the new law is introduced.

2. We stand to lose a lot of money if this deal falls through.

復習4〜8回目 - TypeC音声約16分




【take stock of 吟味する、評価する;棚卸しする;(資産を)見積もる】

1. Let's take stock of the situation before we decide what the best course of action is.

■ course of action 行動方針やプラン、行動や対応のステップ

2. I think it's time that I really took stock of my career goals. I feel directionless right now.

【big picture; bigger picture 大局、全体像​】

1. Before working on the details, let's take a step back and look at the big picture.

2. Seeing the bigger picture is an essential leadership quality.

【status quo 現状】

1. Our upper management is very conservative. They'd rather maintain the status quo than take a risk with a new way of doing things.

2. When you're comfortable being on autopilot, it's very hard to break the status quo.

【in the same boat 同じ境遇や苦境にある】

1. Sales were bad this quarter, but when we look at our competitors it seems like everyone’s in the same boat.

2. The only consolation our laid-off workers had was that everyone was in the same boat.

【stand to gain ⇔ stand to lose 儲かる立場・手に入れる立場にいる⇔損をする立場・失う立場にいる】

1. We stand to gain an advantage over our competitors if the new law is introduced.

2. We stand to lose a lot of money if this deal falls through.
