
LESSON 60 責任転嫁・軽視する


初回 - TypeA音声約15分




【look the other way 見て見ぬふりをする】

1. Mick is often late, but we look the other way because he always gets his work done on time.

2. I've looked the other way for way too long now about nepotism within the company.

【point fingers at; point a finger at 人のせいにする、 人を名指しで非難する】

1. I'm not trying to point fingers. Let's just work to find a solution to this problem.

2. When he's criticized, Jake is always quick to point a finger at his co-workers.

​■ be quick to~ すぐに~する

【pass the buck 責任転嫁する】
<参考> buck

1. She claims nobody ever told her. I think she's just trying to pass the buck.

2. "The buck stops here." This should be your motto as a manager.

■ ”The buck stops here.” 米国のトルーマン大統領が、大統領執務室に掲げた座右の銘として有名になった言葉。

【gloss over (都合の悪い事等を)軽く扱う ; うわべを飾る、言い繕う】
<参考> gloss = 「光沢、つや ; 光沢をつける」

1. We can't gloss over the fact that our revenue is down.

2. He just glossed right over what I had to say and continued with his reasoning.

【play down 軽く扱う、重きを置かない】

1. The boss is very good at playing down fears that we're going bankrupt.

2. Meagan is so humble. She always plays down her own contributions, even though she does the most work.

復習1〜3回目 - TypeB音声約14分




【look the other way 見て見ぬふりをする】

1. Mick is often late, but we look the other way because he always gets his work done on time.

2. I've looked the other way for way too long now about nepotism within the company.

【point fingers at; point a finger at 人のせいにする、 人を名指しで非難する】

1. I'm not trying to point fingers. Let's just work to find a solution to this problem.

2. When he's criticized, Jake is always quick to point a finger at his co-workers.

​■ be quick to~ すぐに~する

【pass the buck 責任転嫁する】
<参考> buck

1. She claims nobody ever told her. I think she's just trying to pass the buck.

2. "The buck stops here." This should be your motto as a manager.

■ ”The buck stops here.” 米国のトルーマン大統領が、大統領執務室に掲げた座右の銘として有名になった言葉。

【gloss over (都合の悪い事等を)軽く扱う ; うわべを飾る、言い繕う】
<参考> gloss = 「光沢、つや ; 光沢をつける」

1. We can't gloss over the fact that our revenue is down.

2. He just glossed right over what I had to say and continued with his reasoning.

【play down 軽く扱う、重きを置かない】

1. The boss is very good at playing down fears that we're going bankrupt.

2. Meagan is so humble. She always plays down her own contributions, even though she does the most work.

復習4〜8回目 - TypeC音声約14分




【look the other way 見て見ぬふりをする】

1. Mick is often late, but we look the other way because he always gets his work done on time.

2. I've looked the other way for way too long now about nepotism within the company.

【point fingers at; point a finger at 人のせいにする、 人を名指しで非難する】

1. I'm not trying to point fingers. Let's just work to find a solution to this problem.

2. When he's criticized, Jake is always quick to point a finger at his co-workers.

​■ be quick to~ すぐに~する

【pass the buck 責任転嫁する】
<参考> buck

1. She claims nobody ever told her. I think she's just trying to pass the buck.

2. "The buck stops here." This should be your motto as a manager.

■ ”The buck stops here.” 米国のトルーマン大統領が、大統領執務室に掲げた座右の銘として有名になった言葉。

【gloss over (都合の悪い事等を)軽く扱う ; うわべを飾る、言い繕う】
<参考> gloss = 「光沢、つや ; 光沢をつける」

1. We can't gloss over the fact that our revenue is down.

2. He just glossed right over what I had to say and continued with his reasoning.

【play down 軽く扱う、重きを置かない】

1. The boss is very good at playing down fears that we're going bankrupt.

2. Meagan is so humble. She always plays down her own contributions, even though she does the most work.
